Monday, March 30, 2009

AUC #1: paste

auc2AUC 1 - Arbitrary Unix Command #1
I thought it might be useful to cover some obscure unix commands that you may find useful in your day to day system administration. My primary work machine is a Macbook Pro these days, so I'll lean towards cover commands that come with OS X. Most unix operating systems (OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris) will likely have the commands I cover as well so only the Microsoft-only folks will be left out. (sorry)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Forget Reading the News, Absorb It


Similar to the NYT Article Skimmer I posted recently, provides another option if you want to absorb the news rather than read it. +5 points to them for reducing burn time spent on the internet.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Open Source Mac


I recently stumbled upon this website ( which is a clean list of useful open source software that has been written or ported over to Apple OS X. This is very handy to email to your friend which you recently converted to Apple :-)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

X10 Smarthome Security


I've been looking into home automation gadgets like X10 for quite some time now. My interest in home automation revolves around reducing power consumption, recording anomalous events with cameras as evidence and because I'm super lazy and only like doing things once (but the right way) and want my CFL's to flick on when I stumble in after a long day at work. I also want to build a DIY BIDS: Burglar Intrusion Detection System.

I even admit to visiting my local library and borrowing books on the subject solely with the goal of pimping the geek out of my home. So did I find true trekkie bliss, full of motion sensing lighting, sexy sounding verbal computer readouts, intelligent power management and enhanced security?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Computer Security At Hotels

public laptop

When was the last time you visited a hotel, plugged in your laptop, and logged into your gmail account?

Do you recall the last time you connected to Free Public Wifi to quickly check your eBay actions? Looking back, don't you wonder who else may have been listening in on your Internet activity? Let's find out how to protect yourself against unwanted network 'wiretappers'...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Complete Unix Cron Job Crib Sheet

cronDo you only use unix once in a blue moon, need to setup crontab and can't quite remember the order? (Without peeking at the image on the left)
Try out this handy cron job crib sheet which you can paste directly into your crontab as a reference each time you make a scheduled job change.