Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thousands of Sacrificial Lambs


  • So you say 'hackers' are constantly knocking on the perimeter door to your network.

  • You claim that they are trying to 'map' your network.

  • You insist that they will cherry pick targets based on fingerprint data, wins/dns name, or other factors.


  • Fill up a virtual machine host with hundreds to thousands of fake hosts that each have random fingerprint appearance and different name. They don't need to do anything except listen on a few ports (on a set of believable ports, to mimic a real OS), and maybe send a fake packet or two around (you know, like M$ boxes like to do because they get lonely.) A full blown app like vmware is overkill for this purpose. A perl script on five tiny embedded systems would suffice.

Just think of the possibilities.

  1. Each would dilute any reconnaissance tool with bogus hosts

  2. Each is indistinguishable from real hosts without attempting to check the function of each service for each address.

  3. Each could also be setup to send alerts to your InfoSec dept when anyone attempts to connect to them; (only two categories of connectors: 1) misconfigured friendlies, and 2) bad guys.)

  4. Every second the scanner spends poking around in these fake hosts, your real ones aren't touched.

  5. You can brag about how many 'hosts' are on the network you manage.

  6. If 'fancy' is your middle name, you could write a script that would forward connection attempts to a honeypot and attempt to grab a fresh piece of badware.


P.S. I admit I partly stole this idea from Tom Liston's LaBrea tarpit.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliantly devious. Me and my 2048-node apartment are in favor of your proposal.
